Reflections on Belonging

The last time I was in the United Kingdom during February was 1987. My husband, Russell, and I had spent the previous five years living in Western Australia, an adventure we embarked on after our wedding day in 1982.

Our return for the year 1987 was because I was deeply and painfully homesick; I missed my family.

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Sally Hewitt
A New Era Awaits...

For me, each year, the period between December 31st, which is the birthday date of my late husband, Russell, and the date of his death, February 7th, is a weird liminal space in which I feel suspended in time.

Every year, it feels like forever and only yesterday since he’s been gone, and it’s especially so this year because it’s a significant number: fifteen.

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Sally Hewitt
A New Year Dawns

During the recent period between Christmas and New Year, I’ve been thinking about liminal spaces, those areas of transition and flux.

I’ve always enjoyed this time because it feels like a resting place between the year I will leave behind and the anticipation of the one to come.

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Sally Hewitt
Gratefulness During Troubled Times

I’ve had words with myself recently. They have been stern, with an attempted edge of kindness, because I understand why I’ve been feeling overly emotional. I sit in the peace and comfort of my home in Western Australia, experiencing a sense of helplessness and if I’m honest, a touch of guilt at my good fortune as I hear news of terrorist attacks in the Middle East and the continuing war in Ukraine.

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Sally Hewitt
The Meaning and Fulfilment of Gratitude

Time, and ageing, cross all cultures and societies. They are universal. Similarly, both time and growing older take on new meaning when we are involved in activities that fill us up. Have you noticed how time drags when you are drowning in drudgery, yet it flies past when you are immersed in something purposeful?

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Sally Hewitt
Gratefully Vulnerable

Have you noticed how much easier it is to connect with someone who is genuine? These people have a knack of making us feel valued in their company. They don’t put on a façade or pretend to be someone they’re not. They are comfortable in their own skin and grateful for the various aspects of their life, both smooth and challenging. Whether they realize it or not, these people have embraced vulnerability …

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Reflections on Anxiety during a Pandemic

Self-care has never been more important than now because what we do individually impacts us all collectively. Let’s be kind to each other and ourselves; be grateful for all small mercies and grace. Allow ourselves to feel somber without falling victim to anxiety’s stranglehold.

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KnowledgeSally Hewitt
Being Still

I have recently been forced to surrender three days of my life to illness. What a waste of time! Or is it? Certainly, during the actually event of being violently sick and feeling too wasted to fight the inevitable inertia, it feels like a complete waste of time. However, in the aftermath of recuperation, I find myself experiencing a sense of renewal and relief. The deepest sensation though is gratitude.

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KnowledgeSally Hewitt
Overcoming Nostalgia

I woke up tired this morning. It happens sometimes. What I dislike about this, more than the lethargy, is how vulnerable it makes me feel. Tiredness has the tendency to throw me off-balance and leave me open to an attack of nostalgia.

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Judgement to Joy

In her book How To Age, Ann Karpf points out that during the 1940s and 50s, younger people wanted to look older.  Vogue magazine even represented the older generation with a model named Mrs Exeter, a woman ‘unashamedly old’.

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KnowledgeSally Hewitt